Singing Guide: Steven Universe

Singing Guide: Steven Universe

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Welcome Singing Carrots' readers! Today's article is about learning to sing like Steven Universe.

Steven Universe is a character with a delightful singing voice and his songs have become classics. To learn to sing like Steven Universe, you need to start with the fundamentals. Let's break down Steven's style, so you can focus on the right elements to improve your singing.

Steven Universe's vocal technique

Steven's voice is bright, energetic, and confident. His vocal range is not particularly wide, but he uses it to his advantage, pushing his voice to create an interesting and unique sound.

To sing like Steven Universe, you will need to work on your pitch accuracy, tone, and breathing. Watch Steven's performances and listen to how he uses his voice to express different emotions.

Singing exercises

To warm up your voice, start with our 3 Minute Warm Up and Farinelli Breathing exercises.

To work on your tone and breathing, consider trying our Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game and our Breath Support article.

Steven Universe loves to sing with vibrato, and you can practice it too by watching Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos.

You can also incorporate Twang Exercise, Voice Break, Mixed Voice, Chest Voice Explained, Vocal distortion & Growling and Glottal Onset exercises to help emphasize Steven's vocal techniques and unique sounds.

Songs to practice

If you want to sing like Steven Universe, you need to know his songs! Steven Universe's songs are catchy, fun, and heartfelt. They are an excellent way to learn how to use different techniques while singing. Some of the most iconic songs from the series include "Here Comes a Thought", "Stronger Than You" and "Change Your Mind".

Using Singing Carrots, you can search for songs that fit your vocal range, so you can choose the songs that help you practice with ease!

Practical advice

Singing is all about practice and experimentation. Don't be afraid to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Record your practice sessions and listen to them, noting where your technique needs improvement.

Check out our articles, like How posture affects your singing, Tips for performing on stage, and How to overcome stage fright to help you build your confidence as a performer.

With a good foundation of vocal technique, a selection of Steven Universe's songs to work on, and regular practice, you will be singing like Steven Universe in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.